Resolving American Express Cardholder Disputes

Resolving American Express Cardholder Disputes

When an American Express cardholder disputes a transaction, the merchant is asked to either issue a credit or to provide documentation proving that the charge is legitimate.

The following table lists the specific documentation that, depending on the inquiry, will be required to support the merchant’s claim.

Inquiry Category and Definition Necessary Support Documentation
Does Not Recognize / Remember / NoKnowledge

The cardholder does not recognize or remember the charge.


Provide a detailed itemization of the charge and a signed record of it.


Provide assigned contract and proof of enrollment, if applicable.

Restaurant / Bar Tab

Provide the signed support and itemization, if available.

Mail / Phone Sales / Internet Physical Delivery

A detailed itemization of the charge, order date, billing address, shipping address, shipping date and signed proof of delivery or other signed support (e.g., an order form).

Car Rental

The signed rental agreement, final audited rental agreement, or proof of reservation, if applicable.


Provide a detailed itemization of the charge, signed support (e.g. registration card) and imprint of the card. A proof of reservation and cardholder or travel agent name and address, etc.

Airline / Travel Related

The itinerary and usage information, signed support, if available, as well as ticket / travel itinerary with fare terms and conditions, usage details, proof of booking / reservation confirmation with billing authorization from the cardholder.

Service Provider (e.g. Telecommunications, Internet Electronic Delivery)

A proof of enrollment (cardholder name, billing address, screen name, account detail / rate / telephone number. Proof of usage or call detail linking the service to the cardholder.

Credit Not Processed

The cardholder claims that credit is due from the merchant, but has not received it.

All Industries

The details of when the credit was issued and a copy of the credit receipt. If no credit is due, a written explanation of why, with signed and / or itemized documents supporting your position. If credit is not issued because of a no return / refund policy, provide a proof that the cardholder was advised of the cancellation / return / refund policy.

Non-Receipt of Merchandise / Service

The cardholder did not receive the merchandise or service.

All Industries Except Service Providers

A proof of delivery (including date delivered, delivery address, shipping address and signature of recipient).

Service Provider (e.g. Telecommunications, Internet Electronic Delivery)

A proof that the services were provided (including screen prints where the cardholder received services and dates that services were used).

Overcharge / Incorrect Transaction Amount

The cardholder claims that the amount of the billing is incorrect.

All Card-Present Industries

A proof that the cardholder approved the altered or delayed transaction, signed support and detailed itemization of all charges, and proof that the cardholder received the goods or services.

Car Rental – itemized rental agreement.

Lodging – itemized folio.

Card Not Present Transactions

The billing authorization, usage detail, terms and conditions, account balance, a proof that the cardholder received the products or services and was advised of any additional or delayed charges, and agreed to the amount billed.

Duplicate Processing

The cardholder claims to have been billed more than once for the same transaction.

All Industries (Card-not-Present)

Provide the itemized charge and a copy of signed support (or other appropriate documentation, e.g. registration card for lodging, rental agreement for car rental, a proof of booking / reservation) for both transactions.

A proof of usage or delivery of goods or services for both charges.

Defective Merchandise

The merchandise received from the merchant was damaged or defective.

All Industries

Outline dispute resolution options including detailed return instructions, if applicable and return / refund policy.

Not as Described

The products or services do not conform to the documented description.

All Industries

Provide documentation or an explanation of why the products or services meet the conditions of the sale. Include return instructions, if applicable.

Goods or Services Canceled or Returned

The cardholder recalls the transaction, but claims to have canceled it. This category includes billings for canceled reservations, no-show charges, canceled hotel / cruise deposits, canceled recurring / continuity billing.

All Industries Except Airlines

A copy of the cancellation policy and the procedure for conveying it to the cardholder, along with discontinuing future billings. Details of use, if applicable.

Airline / Travel Related

The itinerary and usage information, if applicable. A copy of the cancellation policy and the procedure for conveying it to the cardholder.

All Industries Except Internet Electronic Delivery

A copy of the return or cancellation policy and procedures for conveying it to the cardholder. A statement that the return or cancellation did not comply with the merchant’s documented policy. Usage information, if application, (proof of delivery, usage detail, and account balance).

Internet Service Provider / Digital Delivery / Telecommunications

Account status, terms and conditions / proof of usage or call detail linking the service to the cardholder if credit is not issued.

Additional Requirements for Recurring Billing

Provide proof that the cardholder used the products or services. If credit is not due, provide the account status, terms and conditions / proof of usage or call detail linking the service to the cardholder. If credit is not issued on the disputed charges, you should discontinue future billings per the inquiry and provide the effective date.

Imprinting Multiple Drafts – Fraud

The cardholder denies authorizing the multiple charges and still has possession of the card.

All Industries

Itemization of all charges and copy of all signed support (or other appropriate signed documentation, e.g., registration card for lodging, rental agreement for car rental) for all transactions.

Fraudulent Transactions

The cardholder states charge is fraudulent.


Signed support if available, as well as ticket / travel itinerary, usage details, proof of booking / reservation confirmation with billing authorization from the cardholder.

Mail Order*

A detailed itemization of the charge, order date, and signed proof of delivery to the cardholder’s billing address.

Car Rental*

A signed rental agreement by the cardholder and a card imprint if unable to swipe the card at the time of the transaction.


A detailed itemization and a signed record of the charge. A card imprint if unable to swipe the card at the time of the transaction.


A signed support and itemization. A card imprint if unable to swipe the card at the time of the transaction.


A detailed itemization of the charge, a signed support (e.g. registration card and imprint of the card, if unable to swipe the card at the time of the transaction).

*And any other pertinent information, i.e. telephone numbers, license numbers, description of person, etc. that could assist in our investigation.

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons.


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